All Posts By Danny Ray
What is the donut hole in Medicare

The Truth About Part D “Donut Hole”

It’s no secret that the “donut hole” in Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) is a major concern for seniors. There are many misconceptions about how to get out of it and what the consequences are if you don’t get out of it. In this blog post, we’ll clear up some misunderstandings and provide tips…
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What is my enrollment period for Medicare?

Simple Guide To Medicare Enrollment Period

Medicare enrollment periods are confusing, but don’t worry – this article will break down all the information you need to know for 2022. The best time to enroll in Medicare is during your initial enrollment period which can be found on your original Social Security Card or online at https://www.medicare.gov/. If you’ve missed your window…
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5 Reasons You’ll Love Medicare

The 5 Best Things About Medicare

The day is finally here. You’ve been planning for it for years, and now you’re finally eligible to sign up for Medicare. Congratulations! Now that you have the time, take a few moments to get educated about all the benefits of this wonderful social safety net before signing up. The five best things about Medicare…
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Medicare Eligibility

Who Is Eligible For Medicare

Above all, being eligible for Medicare is very important! If you’re a senior citizen, you might be wondering what Medicare is. In fact, whether or not you qualify to receive it. Here’s the low-down on who qualifies for Medicare, why they need it, and how much it costs. Let’s take a look at some of…
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When to Apply for Medicare

How To Apply For Medicare

As you get older, it’s important to know how Medicare works. It can be confusing and difficult to figure out which plan is best for you. This blog post will help break down the process of applying for Medicare so that it is easier to understand.Factors such as income level, health insurance coverage, and medical…
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Medicare Costs for 2021

10 Things You Need To Know About Medicare Costs in 2021

In 2021, baby boomers will be turning 65 years old at the rate of 10,000 a day. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that in order to maintain current levels of coverage for them under Medicare Part A (inpatient hospitalization) and Part B (doctor visits), it would cost an additional $8 trillion over…
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Is it mandatory to go on Medicare when you turn 65?

Are you New to Medicare Benefits

Medicare is a complicated topic. If you are new to Medicare benefits, don’t fret! We’ll walk you through the basics and give you some tips for navigating the system. Medicare coverage kicks in at 65 years old! However, there are exceptions for disabilities or injuries that occur before this age. Plus, there are different types…
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What are the pros and cons of a Medicare Advantage plan?

Medicare Advantage Plans 2022 Guide

The Medicare Advantage Plans 2022 Guide is designed to help current and prospective senior consumers understand the basics of Medicare Advantage plans. It covers how to compare MA plans, what a typical MA plan offers, and other resources. This will make it easier for you to find a plan that meets your needs whether you…
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